神奈川県スクリーンデジタル印刷協同組合 (KSDPA) は、年に一度通常総会を開催しております。
場所は活気溢れる横浜中華街中心にある、中華レストラン “桂宮” 。リニューアルされたばかりで、以前より、落ち着いた雰囲気になっており、本場の広東料理を楽しめます。
Kanagawa Prefecture Screen Digital Printing Cooperative Association 54th General Meeting
The Kanagawa Prefecture Screen Digital Printing Cooperative Association (KSDPA) holds a regular general meeting once a year.
The location is the Chinese restaurant “Katsuramiya” located in the center of the lively Yokohama Chinatown. It has just been renovated and has a more relaxed atmosphere than before, where you can enjoy authentic Cantonese cuisine.
The contents of the general meeting mainly include the association’s financial report, business budget report, past events and activities, and next year’s new business plan.
Next year, a national tournament will be held sponsored by the Kanagawa Prefecture Union. Therefore, half of the general meeting was a discussion to decide the content of the Kanagawa Prefecture National Convention. As a result of each group seriously coming up with ideas to liven up next year’s event, the direction has largely been decided.
Everyone, please come and participate in next year’s Kanagawa Prefecture National Convention.