RGBとは『光の三原色』のことを言います。人間にとって知覚可能な光の色は『赤』『緑』『青』Red, Green, Blue の3つになります。
CMYKとは『色の三原色』に黒を加えたものになります。ほとんどの絵画や、印刷物は『シアン/Cian』『マゼンダ/Magenta』『イエロー/Yellow』『キーカラー/Key color (黒)』の4色の組合せでできています。理論上はCMYの組み合わせだけで全ての色が表現できるのですが、純粋な黒にはなりません。正確な黒色を再現する為に、より綺麗な印刷を可能にする為にK (Key color)を足してCMY+Kとなっています。
What are RGB and CMYK? (color composition)
RGB refers to the three primary colors of light. There are three colors of light that humans can perceive: red, green, and blue.
LCD displays such as TVs, PCs, and tablets are made from a combination of these three colors.
RGB printing is a printing method that uses this principle to reproduce the colors of RGB data, such as digital illustrations and images taken with a digital camera. Therefore, it is possible to express brighter and more vivid colors.
CMYK is the “three primary colors” plus black. Most paintings and printed matter are made of a combination of four colors: cyan, magenta, yellow, and key color (black). In theory, all colors can be expressed just by combining CMY, but it will not be pure black. In order to reproduce accurate black color, K (Key color) is added to make CMY+K to enable more beautiful printing.