シルクスクリーン印刷とはアルミの枠の中に絹 (現在はテトロンかナイロン等の化学物質) が張ってある版枠を使用します。
その版上にインクを乗せスキージ (ゴム製) で押し出し、版の裏に設置してある印刷物にインクを転写させる印刷方式になります。

First of all, What is Silk Screen Printing?
Silk screen printing uses an aluminum frame covered with silk (currently a chemical substance such as Tetron or nylon).
This printing method involves placing ink on the plate, pushing it out with a squeegee (made of rubber), and transferring the ink to the printed material placed on the back of the plate.
It’s very difficult to explain in words, so please try searching for videos on YouTube. It will come out soon.
The biggest feature of screen printing, which is that it is printed using this plate, is that it can be printed on almost any material.
There are far fewer materials that cannot be handled, such as glass, plastic, synthetic resin, metal, and cloth. Therefore, it is often used for printing on materials other than paper. (Of course, paper can also be printed.)
We can handle everything from flat surfaces to cylindrical objects, spherical objects, and objects with curved surfaces.
In our daily lives, silk screen printing is used for most of the things we use and see.
This fact is surprisingly unknown.